Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins: Part 3
Revealing the Hidden Danger in the 2016 Presidential Race
Originally Published October 3, 2016 by Ryan M. Weisgerber
This is part 3/4 in a series about the hidden determinants of human behavior. if you haven’t read the first post in the series, you’ll definitely want to start there. :)
You know what’s unfortunate? The title of this article isn’t clickbait. I didn’t just add “Revealing the Hidden Danger” hoping that you’d click on it. There are some genuinely disturbing things at play with Donald Trump, and we’re going to look at how Coherence Verification testing can be used to shed light on it. We’ll also look at various test results regarding Hillary Clinton that show a clear and stark qualitative divide between the two candidates.
Full disclosure: politics are traditionally a really polarizing and contentious topic, so just to be clear going into this, I have absolutely 0 allegiance to any political party or particular philosophy of government. I want things to work well for all people regardless of nationality or skin-color, and I’m fascinated by human behavior — that’s as far as my interest in politics go.
A Firehose of “AHHHHHHHH!”
I find that turning on the news or checking Facebook these days can feel like pointing a firehose at my face and unleashing a torrent of fear-fueled crazy into it. The global economy is in a state of radical uncertainty; the Earth’s climate is shifting; another mass shoooting has ocurred in the United States; there are still people “in power” who are too blinded by their greed and ignorance to stop their short-sighted destructive behavior.
As we’ve seen, one of humanity’s biggest challenges has been the lack of ability to identify the essential nature of what’s behind individual and collective choices. Donald Trump and his constituents are blaming people with brown skin; Bernie Sanders and his supporters are blaming billionaires; the FOX News camp believes one thing over here; and The Daily Show camp believes another over there.
There is so much talk going on yet so little progress being made toward a common understanding and cooperation. Generally, it’s the self-serving choices of those who are already “in power” that prevail — not on merit, but because they already have the necessary resources at their disposal.
Man, this post is shaping up to be a real buzzkill, Ryan.
Hey, I don’t mean to be alarmist. Ugliness exists, and there’s quite a bit of it affecting the world right now (and unnecessarily so, IMO). Things are far from “all bad” though. The crazy stuff that some people are engaging in stems from ignorance and fear, not from an inherent requirement of humans to fight and to hate. Some people believe that this is just our nature, but such beliefs stem from the historic inability to identify the hidden determinants behind people’s behavior.
Using Coherence Verification to better understand the Presidential Race of 2016
Every Presidential election cycle is important, but this one in particularly is important because of the energetic realities behind the candidates. We’re going to look at a series of Coherence Verification results regarding Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that have been verified for Hug the Universe by Eric Burlingame. Eric is a consciousness researcher, and a human behavior and Coherence Verification expert. He’s someone I’ve known for many years and have worked with extensively.
The test statement used in each verification is quoted below and followed by its corresponding test result. The results are either an LOC (Level of Consciousness) number (which references Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness), or the “Yes” / “Not Yes” binary result of a strong or weak muscle response. The type of test performed is what was most appropriate for the desired insight.
To really drive this point into the ground (because it’s so uncommon and easy to forget), properly executed Coherence Verifications are entirely objective and independent of opinions, beliefs, knowledge of a subject, or one’s ideas or feelings about how things “should” be. What is being revealed here is the energetic quality of information.
To better understand the results below, remember that on the Map of Consciousness, the energies that calibrate below 200 become increasingly harmful to living organisms and devoid of Truth the farther down they go, and the energies from 200–1000 become increasingly constructive, life-supporting, and Truthful as they rise.
If you’d like to have the Map of Consciousness on hand as you look through these results, click here to open up a copy of it in a new tab.
Overall Level of Consciousness (LOC)
When testing a person’s LOC (Level of Consciousness) you end up with a number that represents an average of the person’s state of consciousness. This includes their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, the information they’ve learned (accurate or not) throughout their life, and more. It’s basically everything that makes them identifiable as them.
Our level of consciousness fluctuates up and down throughout our lives—sometimes really dramatically—so it’s important to specify the time period you’d like the information to reference (as you’ll see below).
Test Statement: [Candidate name]’s average daily calibrated level of consciousness during the period of January 1, 2016 through September 1, 2016 was:
Donald Trump Result: LOC 121
Ok, referencing the Map of Consciousness, another way to frame that is that Donald Trump’s experience is generally dominated by the negative (aka, below 200 LOC) energy of desire (e.g., lust, craving, etc.); the emotional filter his experiences are passing through is one of craving, and he sees the process of enslavement as an unavoidable aspect of life.
Here’s an excerpt from a conversation I had with Eric Burlingame about this test result:
Note from Eric Burlingame
"The [energy around LOC 125] is one of severe attachment like what we typically associate with addiction. There is a perceived need to ‘fill the void’ that exists where there could otherwise be purposefulness, connection with others, and psychological, spiritual, or emotional fulfillment. There is only the process of gain, of attainment, and consumption.
Someone like Trump sees the game as a win or lose prospect, and winning means getting all or most of what he wants, while the other is deprived. If this happens, he feels temporarily fulfilled (at least for a few minutes). All the while, he perceives himself to be better than addicts like ‘junkies’ because he doesn’t drink or overindulge in physical consumption.
In reality, he’s the worst addict because he takes so many regular folks down with his addiction."
Hillary Clinton Result: LOC 277
Referencing the Map of Consciousness, another way to put that is that Hillary Clinton’s experience is generally dominated by neutrality, the general emotional filter her experiences are passing through is trust, and she views life as a process of release.
Already we can see a stark difference.
Interest in Being President of the United States
Remember: A “strong” muscle response in Coherence Verification represents a “Yes” (i.e., “Yep, the information in that test statement points to something that actually exists”), whereas a weak muscle response indicates a “Not yes” (i.e., “Nope, what you’re holding in mind is imaginary”).
Test Statement: Donald Trump has any desire to be President of the US.
Result: Not yes
I think this helps clarify the confusion many people have experienced in response to how recklessly Donald Trump has managed his campaign and reputation. Many people have speculated that he doesn’t seem to really want to be President at all, and this verification shows that that is an accurate assessment.
But if he’s not interested in the job, why is he running?
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton has a desire to be President of the US.
Result: Yes
Well, that’s useful.
Interest in Being of Service
Remember: An effective test statement is one that is phrased as a declarative statement and not in question form. Also, the clarity of language used is extremely important so that the tester is unambiguous in terms of what information they’re “looking for.”
Test Statement: Donald Trump has any desire to be of service to the American people.
Result: Not yes
Ok, so he’s not pursuing the Presidency to be of service.
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton has a desire to be of service to the American people.
Result: Yes
That’s also useful.
Donald Trump’s Primary Motivation: Conscious or Subconscious
Test Statement: Donald Trump has a primary conscious motivation for running for the presidency.
Result: Not yes
Test Statement: Donald Trump has a primary subconscious motivation for running for the presidency.
Result: Yes
Well, what’s his subconscious motivation then?
Donald Trump’s Primary Subconscious Motivation
After some exploration, this is the result:
Test Statement: Donald Trump’s primary subconscious motivation for running for president is to successfully mislead people.
Result: Yes
Note from Eric Burlingame
“In other words, he will have pulled off the ultimate deal or con job. This is an extension of his lifelong desire to trick people sufficiently so that he gets what he wants. It is not getting things that is of interest, it is the game or process of bilking folks.”
About two weeks after I got that note from Eric, I saw that Donald Trump retweeted a Washington Post article about him flat-out lying that Hillary Clinton started the “birther” conspiracy against President Obama. It certainly looks like he shared this because he’s proud of it:
My whole life is about winning. I don't lose often. I almost never lose. -Donald Trump
Belief in the Inherent Value of Others
Test Statement: Donald Trump thinks that all people have inherent value:
Result: Not yes
Wow. Just to be clear, that is an entirely false belief. All people have inherent value (that statement calibrates as True).
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton thinks that all people have inherent value:
Result: Yes
Well, that’s handy.
Overall View of Human Beings
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts regarding human beings is:
Result: LOC 46
With this verification, Eric said “This is not a typo. It’s really that low.”
That is horrifying. Referencing the Map of Consciousness, another way to put that is that regarding human beings Donald Trump’s experience is dominated by apathy, the general emotional filter his experiences are passing through is despair, and he generally views matters regarding them as hopeless. And he’s aiming to obtain the highest position in this country, have access to government agencies and their secrets, and the codes needed to launch nuclear weapons.
This ad that Hillary Clinton’s campaign released does a good job of demonstrating how Donald Trump feels about people:
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts regarding human beings is:
Result: LOC 279
Note from Eric Burlingame
“Suffice it to say that she takes a very pragmatic and circumstantial view of humans. If they do things of moderate value, then she’s all good with that. If another human does something she deems counterproductive, then she’s very down on them.”
Access to Freedom
Test Statement: Donald Trump thinks that only a few people should be completely free, while all others are controlled.
Result: Yes
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton thinks that only a few people should be completely free, while all others are controlled.
Result: Yes
Access to Basic Resources for Life
Test Statement: Donald Trump thinks that only a few people should control all citizen’s access to basic resources for life, including food and water.
Result: Yes
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton thinks that only a few people should control all citizen’s access to basic resources for life, including food and water.
Result: Yes
Women’s Rights
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts regarding women rights is:
Result: LOC 41
Note from Eric Burlingame
“[Donald Trump] effectively has a general sense that women are really to blame for most things that are wrong in the world and his own life. He effectively just tolerates women because they are necessary to him, but of no real value outside of their immediate utility. In short, women are things to him.”
I cherish women. I want to help women. I’m going to be able to do things for women that no other candidate would be able to do. -Donald Trump
But then there’s this quote:
Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision. -Donald Trump
And this one:
If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.’ -Donald Trump
And what he said when he was married to Ivana:
I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets? -Donald Trump
I'll stop there—there's no shortage of horrible things Donald Trump has said about women.
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts regarding women rights is:
Result: LOC 367
Note from Eric Burlingame
“This is nearly to the level of reason (i.e., LOC 400–499), but she is depressing the energetic level with conditionality again. In other words, women’s rights are important generally, but she is always putting caveats and exceptions on the rights. This is a very common thought process in the western world. ‘Everyone should have the same rights, but…’”
Telling the Truth
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts and energy regarding telling the truth is:
Result: LOC 102
Note from Eric Burlingame
“This indicates a fundamental fear of being truthful, and having the truth revealed about him.”
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts and energy regarding telling the truth is:
Result: LOC 267
Note from Eric Burlingame
“This level indicates a general tendency to be truthful, but with a willingness to be untruthful if she deems it valuable to the greater good of others.”
Regard for the Democratic Process
Test Statement: Donald Trump thinks that the democratic process has inherent value.
Result: Not yes
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts regarding the democratic process in the U.S. is:
Result: LOC 46
Note from Eric Burlingame
“Again, not a typo. Essentially, if you do not value human beings, then you will not value the agency of human beings, thus his LOC regarding democracy will match his LOC regarding humans.”
Test Statement: Hillary Clinton thinks that the democratic process has inherent value.
Result: Yes
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts regarding the democratic process in the U.S. is:
Result: LOC 367
Note from Eric Burlingame
“Essentially, she accepts it as it is and has high regard for the process.”
Allegiance to the Political Parties They’re Representing
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts regarding the Republican Party is:
Result: LOC 17
Note from Eric Burlingame
“He’d definitely get rid of the party if he had any ability to do so.”
While he doesn’t currently have the ability to do so directly, he’s certainly done a lot to make a number of longtime Republicans leave the party in disgust.
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts regarding the Democratic Party is:
Result: LOC 267
Note from Eric Burlingame
“She’s OK with it generally, but likely perceives her own sense of what is valuable considerably more important than the party platform.”
Opinion Toward Their Constituents
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Donald Trump’s thoughts regarding his supporters is:
Result: LOC 27
Note from Eric Burlingame
“This indicates that his disdain for his own supporters is so great that he’d likely eliminate them from the planet given the option.”
I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters. -Donald Trump
Now, Donald Trump didn’t say that he’d shoot one of his supporters, but he said he could murder someone in public place and it wouldn’t affect the opinion of those voting for him. So, interpret the implications of that how you will—there are many ways to slice that turd.
Test Statement: The calibrated LOC of all of Hillary Clinton’s thoughts regarding her supporters is:
Result: LOC 260
Note from Eric Burlingame
"Approximately the same as her views, thoughts, and feelings about the Democratic party. It’s probably quite difficult to have warm fuzzy feelings about her supporters and the party when she’s so often doubted, questioned, back stabbed, etc."
Uhhh… Yikes!
I have to say, I thought this post was going to go in a different direction. I knew from observation that something was seriously not ok with Donald Trump, but I didn’t imagine the ugliness went as deep as it actually does before receiving Eric’s test results. Trump is much more dangerous than I thought.
Eric said something else about the calibrations regarding Donald Trump that really sums it up:
“This is literally as bad as it gets prior to becoming a genocidal maniac.”
To give some comparisons, a few other political “leaders” (i.e., despots) who calibrated in the general range where Donald Trump is operating are:
Osama Bin Laden: LOC 107
Adolf Hitler: LOC 106
Vladamir Putin: LOC 96
Idi Amin, the 'Butcher of Uganda': LOC 72
This is pretty intense, huh? I know that this is all a lot to process. If these posts have done their job you’ve begun understand the gravity of what Hawkins discovered and game-changing potential of the insights it can produce.
There have been a lot of claims from Trump supporters that “he was just joking about that horrible hateful scary racist thing he said—can’t you take a joke??” With the testing though, information completely leaves the domain of guessing what anyone’s words or actions might’ve meant. We’re looking at the energetic Reality behind what we see being acted out. Taking that into consideration, it’s genuinely disturbing to think of someone like Donald Trump being at the helm of a world superpower like America.
Here’s a final word from Eric about the role one’s level of consciousness plays:
“LOC is really just telling you the ‘temperature’ of the chosen energetic state that then reflexively drives energetic, intellectual, and physical functions in the human. This then reinforces the next choice, and so on—it’s a loop. The energy isn’t ‘making’ anyone do anything. LOC is just a measurement that informs you of the increasing probability of a particular set of states and choices.”
Alright, let’s wrap this series up with a look at how awesome everything actually is (even if some of the superficial stuff that humans are creating is really ugly sometimes).
Question for you…
Pretty ugly stuff, huh? Was any of this surprising to you? If so, what was surprising about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below. 👇🏻